Who is your perfect partner? What makes them that person perfect for you? Is there just one out there that you’re waiting for? These are the questions we all ask.
After more than 20 years of counseling couples and individuals, it has become clear to me, but there are three main things that attract couples together. The first, as expected, would be physical attraction. Physical traction alone, however, is not sustainable.
The second is familiarity. Sometimes this familiarity it’s very positive that can remind you of home and interactions that you have navigated and can rely upon. From a Therapeutic point of view we will also be attracted to others that will thrust in front of us, the issues from our family of origin that need to be changed and harmonized. These relationships will bring out the behaviors that we are addicted to and must overcome to find our perfect partner.
The third and ultimately most powerful is the magnetic attraction of personality. Initially in our lives, we are attracted to personalities that give us some opposition for growth. It is in relationships that we find our greatest growth and hone who we wish to become. this can of course be a tumultuous ride, but it is in this growth that we change for the better. I believe it is in this transformation of becoming more like each other and understanding each other that one can find a stable, loving and powerful relationship filled with the love that poets and lovers dream about.
The journey to find that person where you merged towards each other may not be a straight path. It may include many twists and turns that are necessary to get you to that final person. There is indeed a richness of life that comes from meeting and having relationships with various people. There are those that will find their greatest transformation in just a few relationships and those that will take many.
The essential part of creating your perfect partnership will be as follows:
1) The commitment and wish to grow and understand your partner’s point of view. This requires acceptance, empathy, emotional availability, and never blaming or name-calling.
2) The second most important aspect of this process is the endless search for the motivation of everyone of your actions. The most powerful thing that you can do is to acknowledge your fears, motivations of the ego or anywhere where you wish to become something more than what you think you are. In this moment that you can identify it and let it go.
This and so much more are what will be offered in my next release, “The Perfect Partner “ in the summer of 2025. I will be offering classes for individuals and couples looking for the perfect partner.
Until that time, I will make a suggestion. Please take the personality test on yourself and secondly fill out the personality test on what you think your partner personality is. Have them do the same on themselves and what they think your personality is. Add up the scores and see how they compare.
This is the greatest predictor of the issues that will be front you and your partner. They will give a key to the issues that you are here to resolve in this life. I cannot underscore enough how important this cross examination test will be for you. The most important thing in working out a relationship is to bring out, the potential places in a relationship that can have detrimental or even catastrophic to your partnership and growth. If you wish a detailed analysis, please contact me using the form below.

Dr. William Mehring, Holistic Practitioner
Dr. Mehring has worn many hats as a healer. After twelve years of practice as a chiropractic physician, he began searching for answers as to why certain patients continued to have pain despite allopathic and chiropractic treatment. He studied psychotherapy, homeopathy, Qi Gong, hypnotherapy, past life regression, and Chakra balancing. He also learned the art of medical intuition and various techniques to release emotional trauma from the cellular and energetic memory. He initiated a master’s degree in psychology but branched off completing his Master’s degree in Esoteric Philosophies, the study of different cultures healing and mystical traditions.