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FINDING PEACE IN CHAOS, The E3 process, personality and muscle testing.
I wish to invite you to learning about emotional transformation. This book is intended to create a deep dive into the matrix of your beliefs that create the motivation of every one of the actions in your life. Understanding the motivations for each of your actions is the path to enlightenment. It is on this life path that you will discover how the issues that present in your life reflect your foundational beliefs that create stress in your life. The best definition of stress is when the world and/or the people in it are not doing what your beliefs, rules and wishes dictate. The study of epigenetics have revealed to us that stress is the main cause of disease and the alteration of our DNA during our lives. This supports the reality that our physical body is a reflection of our emotional state. If we experience stress in our conscious and subconscious minds day after day, night after night this will degrade our DNA that can lead to disease. This book will give you a deep understanding of how we create our beliefs, how they can lead to stress provoking and harmful actions and finally how to harmonize the dysfunctional beliefs to where they no longer cause stress or actions that no longer serve you or humanity. The middle section of the book is an instructional section on Muscle Testing and it’s application in the E3 technique. (Emotional Energetic Evolution) The final third of the book is more about the path to enlightenment and how to stay on that path. Following the process will lead you to a very different life than the one you live now. It will be filled with more stability and caring in your relationships as well as a healthier and longer life.
The book sets forth a revolutionary technique addressing how we can access the subconscious mind to provide a means for the rapid transformation of thoughts that cause stress. This book has been tremendously beneficial to me personally. I purchased the book at his seminar, and I will definitely be attending his seminars in the future.
Here the author provide a clear and concise strategy to navigate the treacheries and complexities of life.Since reading this book I find that I am much more centered and resilient to the roadblocks in my way !!!
Highly recommended !!
The power of muscle testing, in relation to emotional honesty, is a untapped tool which when applied toward emotional growth yields phenomenal relationship insights. A must read book!

Dr. William Mehring, Holistic Practitioner
Dr. Mehring has worn many hats as a healer. After twelve years of practice as a chiropractic physician, he began searching for answers as to why certain patients continued to have pain despite allopathic and chiropractic treatment. He studied psychotherapy, homeopathy, Qi Gong, hypnotherapy, past life regression, and Chakra balancing. He also learned the art of medical intuition and various techniques to release emotional trauma from the cellular and energetic memory. He initiated a master’s degree in psychology but branched off completing his Master’s degree in Esoteric Philosophies, the study of different cultures healing and mystical traditions.